Here is some updated info for everyone having trouble with AFKIM
when creating a bitlbee account you cannot have a space in your username or password.
I recommend not using fullstops or other special characters either.
You cannot add accounts for other services with spaces in them, unsure wether this can be fixed....
On 2.6 you need to use a DHCP wifi connection, It does not seem to work with a static IP.
Also when you quit on 2.00+ it just locks up, this seems to be an eloader problem.
If you use left/right to go back and attempt to input spaces all sorts of weird things can happen,
however for any other character this should be fine :)
Q: How do I sign out of my accounts?
Say a "account off" to the server window to sign out of all accounts.
Or say "account list" to get the account numbers and "account off X" to sign off specific accounts.
Todo List:
Things with -- are fixed for the next version
Bug fix things:
- Remove account list doesn't get updated when you remove an account
- Some people unable to resolve the address. livelock or complete fail
Features for the Future (3.1?):
- remove neoflash splash
- piKey!!!
- Add jabber account adding
- Things that might make 3.1 follow
- Messages from people not on contact list needs investigation, apparently "handle_unknown add" is not a good fix?
- Away mode with custom message
- Better skinability, color changing
- Independent typing boxes per person
- Things that probably won't make 3.1 follow
- *Buddy is typing a message* (Code not in bitlbee trunk yet?)
- Get more full details on users (bitlbee: info)
- Buddies away message. (Bitlbee limitation?)
- Buddy management add / unblock nonvisible buddies
- Change that dumb green highlighter at the top to something nicer
- Sound on receiving messages.
- Ability to use bitlbee servers on different ports.
- Contact list seperation by service, or atleast icons to tell what service
- Give gmail its own icon
- Fixed International support/input/output (should be possible, 'set charset')
- Selective sign in/out of accounts (including starting not logged in)
Long term
- Smilies Support
- Support multiple accounts on the same protocol
- Buddy List hideable?
Things that will be investigated
- Too many buddies makes them not get listed? (joe reported in blog)
- --Skin looks blue on some psps (its just your eyes! The psp screen just doesn't do the color very well)
- scroll in chat window, Don't really have enough keys though....
- Possible crashing when trying to send a packet when connection is lost
- IRC support? (one day :P)
Things that will never happen