Its that time again!
This last week I spent lots more time balancing River TD, and I’m getting quite happy with it finally.
While doing this (I’ve played River TD so many damn times… so so many times) I found some small rendering issues and cleaned them up.
Here is the list of changes as of Friday night:
- Air enemies render on top of land enemies.
- Health bar renders on top of everything (Before lasers would stop you seeing the health bar).
- Refactor some code so that the [New Game] button works.
- Fix selling laser type towers (Was crashing the game)
- Ability to make enemies loop when they hit the end of their path, so you have to eventually kill them.
- Always give the same amount of points for killing an enemy (Previously it decreased the longer an enemy was alive).
But of course… There is more 😉 I spent all Saturday (and another hour today) adding pathfinding, just like the flash based Desktop Tower Defence.
Maps can now specify pathfinding and enemies will work out their own way around your towers! This leads to all sorts of cool new map ideas, I have one up my sleeve 🙂
Here is a screenshot from the test level showing it off:

DSP R304
The plan for the next week is to catch up on my sleep and maybe add another new feature to the engine before I start work on another level. 🙂