Monthly Archives: May 2009

Defense Station Touchable Released!!!

Today I am proud to announce that Defense Station Touchable has hit the iTunes store!

Defense Station Touchable is the iPhone/iPod version of Defense Station Portable (PSP Homebrew).

Now containing 5 maps, each with 50 waves of enemies for a super happy fun time!


Head over to the all new Ironshod Website for details! Or jump straight onto iTunes and buy it now!


The PSP version should be released in the next week or 2, so keep an eye out 🙂

If you are a level designer, then go to the Ironshod Website and get the PC version to start developing and testing your levels for the DSP release. Contact me with any questions you may have.

DSP (not) Release Announcement

As you’ve obviously seen, DSP isn’t out yet and it is past the 1st of May.
Well I admit, I sort of fibbed a bit when I said it was going to be out on the 1st. The 1st was actually the date that DST had to be finished.

DST is Defense Station Touchable, DSP for the iPhone!


On the 1st of May DST was submitted to the App Store and is currently awaiting approval for release 🙂

The PSP version needs some more work before it can be released. The main menu needs updating and the Achievements system needs linking in.
I’m not sure how many of the Maps I’ll bring over to PSP, probably not the 5 that will be released with the iPhone version, but definitely more than the 1 of previous versions.
There will most likely be some memory issues to deal with, but I’ll find out when I have a look at how it runs.
I’ll be testing aga

More detail will come later this week as I work on getting the PSP version up to scratch.

PS: Sorry I didn’t post this earlier, I drafted it and forgot to publish >_<