Defense Station Touchable Released!!!

Today I am proud to announce that Defense Station Touchable has hit the iTunes store!

Defense Station Touchable is the iPhone/iPod version of Defense Station Portable (PSP Homebrew).

Now containing 5 maps, each with 50 waves of enemies for a super happy fun time!


Head over to the all new Ironshod Website for details! Or jump straight onto iTunes and buy it now!


The PSP version should be released in the next week or 2, so keep an eye out 🙂

If you are a level designer, then go to the Ironshod Website and get the PC version to start developing and testing your levels for the DSP release. Contact me with any questions you may have.

10 thoughts on “Defense Station Touchable Released!!!

  1. Royale

    Please continue supporting the PSP Version!
    I’ve been waiting for this update since your first release of DSP! Almost two years, that is.
    I’m sure the new DSP would be one of the best homebrew games ever for the PSP.

  2. Madpassion

    Yay! SHould be getting my phone soon, so that’ll be one of the first apps on my list.
    But until then can’t wait till the PSP version is out. 😀

  3. Bartek from Poland

    Hi Man you’ve done grat work with AFKIM but i have one sugestin, if you could add to the attached file at the link—142e.html compatibility with keyboard ir.
    I think allmoust every kid in Poland will be greatfull about that, and then you can count for donation 😉 realy !!

    thanks and take care …

    sorry for my english

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